Future of smolt production focus of forum
The future of smolt production will be the subject of an online conference organised by Norwegian research institute Nofima next month.
The webinar, hosted by Nofima’s land-based research station at Sunndalsøra, replaces the organisation’s long-established forum, cancelled due to Covid-19, and is open to participants worldwide.
The programme will include presentations from salmon producers and scientists, from Norway and overseas, with a focus on post-smolt production and grow-out on land and in closed containment systems.
Among the topics on the agenda are smoltification protocols in RAS (recirculating aquaculture systems); genetics for RAS; and research into Atlantic salmon in closed containment systems.
Nofima leads CtrlAQUA - the Centre for Research-Based Innovation in Closed-Containment Aquaculture – and has extensive experience in the field.
The webinar’s scientific coordinator, Jelena Kolarevic, said: ‘You can hear about experiences from the farming industry and a lot of exciting new results from research.
‘We have had professional translators who simultaneously interpret Norwegian presentations into English at two of our previous conferences and we have received positive feedback from our earlier participants.
‘I’m very happy to announce that this year we will also be able to provide English translation to our foreign participants.’
The webinar will take place on Zoom on October 21, from 9am to 3pm (CET). Visit https://nofima.no/en/activity/smolt-production-in-the-future-2/ for details about the programme and registration.