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Tag: nofima
Shoppers influenced more by flag than sustainability in experiment
Salmon feed has room for more microalgae oil, tests show
Confirmed: salmon secrete substances that attract lice
New findings on salmon’s response to H2S in landbased fish farms
Gene editing may give Atlantic salmon more protection against lice
Mechanical delousing reduces colour of salmon fillets, say researchers
Research and industry meet at " Smolt Production of the Future"
A feed target to chew over
Economies of scales: how AquaIMPACT is making fish farming more efficient
Free webinar focuses on fish killing RAS gas
Salmon farmers likely to adopt GM omega-3 oil, says scientist
Huge breeding potential in microalgae
Closed aquaculture researchers share knowledge gained in 8-year project
Seafood industry accounted for 2.3% of Norway’s GDP last year
Seaweed champion lands key aquaculture role at Nofima
Innovation ‘is key to unlocking wider potential of aquaculture’
Nofima names aquaculture division boss as its new chief executive
£7.45m RAS training centre opened in Norway
Genetics boost for cod farming
The research tool that could cut fish farm feed costs
Can salmon-scale extract take the place of plastic?
Paracetic acid ‘very promising’ as treatment for amoebic gill disease
Salmon gut simulator to be used by feed ingredient maker Royal DSM
Taking a deep dive into salmon production in RAS
Alternative ingredients make inroads into salmon feed
Researchers seek to put salmon back in the pink
Dead bacteria in the fish gut can originate from feed
Sterilised salmon 'perform just as well as fertile fish'
PD vaccines linked to salmon deformity
Nofima orders 20 mini-RAS to study intensive fish farming
Researchers win prize for reducing experiments on fish
Hydrolysed krill doubled smolt growth in first six weeks in sea
British men more negative to fish farming than those in EU
AquaGen questions need for warm seas salmon
Study finds ‘optimal’ current speed for RAS post-smolts
The complex path to creating novel fish feed
Cutting the lice problem with ‘genetic scissors’
Searching for the right light for RAS salmon
Future of smolt production focus of forum
Salmon blood can help fight anaemia
Study defines brackish water ozone limit for post-smolts
Fatty acids in salmon diet ‘change cell metabolism’
Stunning research aims for better fish welfare
Weaker currency ‘lifted Norway seafood exports by NOK 3.5bn’
Trout handbook follows in wake of salmon guide
Study finds multiple benefits of krill diet for salmon
Aquaculture supplier to lead humane slaughter project
Tech research cash promises net gains for aquaculture
Feed maker ramps up bid to grow stronger salmon
Scottish salmon ‘most expensive to grow' in 2018
Algae-based feed shown to deter salmon lice
Symposium shines spotlight on mucosal health
New chloride/nitrite ratio 'better for RAS salmon'
‘Gentler’ acid proposed as AGD treatment
Study links salmon growth pattern with behaviour characteristics
Sedation of smolts should be used sparingly, say scientists
Study: Zinc and omega-3 support sea transfer
Feed, clean water and rest are keys to happy lumpfish
Helping salmon survive the switch to sea
Insect meal has ‘high potential’ say researchers after salmon feed trial