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Tag: scottish sea farms
SalMar goes to the money market for NOK 1 billion
Scottish salmon farmer reduced fish mortality rate by 41% last year
SalMar considers offshore salmon farm east of Shetland
Improved results for Lerøy after focusing on lice screening
Salmonid farmers launch mass challenge to licence changes
Scottish Sea Farms harvested 40,400 tonnes of fish last year
Anti-salmon farming activist gears up for court fight over sites ban
Salmon farmers 'would welcome slaughter legislation'
SalMar harvested 73,800 tonnes of salmon in Q4
Lerøy increased harvest by 7% last year
Scottish Sea Farms' first bigger pens hailed a success by site manager
The hidden weaknesses that led to fish farm workboat's sinking
Profits plunged for SalMar in Q3
Scottish Sea Farms raises harvest guidance after strong third quarter
Salmon inquiry on the last lap
Search begins for Scotland's best aquaculture learners
Sainsbury's nets another farmed seafood accolade
Lerøy harvested 51,400 tonnes of salmonids in Norway in Q3
Fish farm cover-up claim 'was obvious attempt to derail MSPs' focus'
Mort removal at farm visited by MSPs was normal procedure, says watchdog
Salmon farmer back in profit after £15.6m operating loss last year
Scottish Sea Farms made £4.3m operating loss in Shetland last year
Salmon farmer dismisses claims of cover-up ahead of MSP visit
Salmon sector serves up banquet of career choices for school pupils
Salmon-probe MSPs visit fish farm
Salmon company has trained hundreds to save a life
Beach clean-up will bring double benefit for communities
'If you want to see higher survival rates then don’t take away a vital medicine'
Aussie-inspired netting system cuts seal attack mortality for Scottish Sea Farms
Three salmon farms suspended from RSPCA Assured scheme
UK fisheries minister explores how Shetland salmon farming boosts local economy
Strong quarter for Scottish Sea Farms
New tool being developed to validate sea lice dispersion models
Fighting the phytoplankton with technology
Sunken salmon farm boat to be re-floated within days
Lerøy increased harvest volume by almost 24% in Q2
Net gains as Young Aquaculture Society is given a taste of the sea
Salmon producers sued for up to £382m in UK
Salmon processing supervisor nets award from M&S
Scottish salmon export value and volume up by more than a third
BioMar celebrates 'record-breaking' sustainability metrics
Salmon farmer goes wireless on Wyre
Can seaweed and salmon be a win-win?
Scottish Sea Farms back in the black after tough 2023
Shetland Council backs new-for-old salmon farm project
Building business in Barcelona
Salmon farmer restores position on equal pay
Salmon farm volunteers collected 23.6 tonnes of beach litter last year
Salmon tech team given a plug
Schooled for the sea
First batch of eggs doing well at Scottish Sea Farms' £2m incubation unit
The magnificent seven
Grounds for celebration
Two Scotland salmon farmers among those facing damages claim from UK retailers
Tax and costs push Lerøy’s net profit downwards
Scottish Sea Farms made £23m operating loss last year
Scottish Sea Farms trials new consenting process for Shetland site expansion
New study seeks to fill ‘major gaps’ in understanding of sea lice
Discovering salmon farming has been a net gain for award contender Craig
Kontali lowers short-term expectations for Scottish salmon sector