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Tag: feed
Feed producer agrees deal to buy LetSea aquaculture research centre
Chicken strengthens heart and skin health in salmon and trout
Authenticity is the buzzword for PCR test developers
BioMar launches salmon feed designed to help combat disease
Is a stock market listing on the menu for BioMar?
Successes fuel growing appetite for novel feed ingredients
Government cash boost for Cooke feed plant improvements
Insect protein producer lands big investment for expansion
Fishmeal and fish oil supply increased in first half of 2024
Feed-to-farm data platform provider raises $2.8m for expansion
This may be the cause of melanin spots
New commercial boss for insect-based feed ingredients supplier Protix
BioMar celebrates 'record-breaking' sustainability metrics
Landcatch to use insect protein in feed
Finance director takes the helm of BioMar Ecuador
A feed target to chew over
Economies of scales: how AquaIMPACT is making fish farming more efficient
Loch Duart hails ‘game-changing’ feed
Test developed to confirm origin of novel feed ingredients
Put forage fish on your plate as well as into salmon, say researchers
Veramaris gets green light in Canada
Feed ingredient risk assessment tool launched
Feed producer made more money on same volume last year
BioMar appoints new vice president for Asia division
Salmon farmers defend responsible use of wild fish in feed
China gives green light for protein-from-gas ingredient in aquafeed
Demands for sustainability may push up prices
Biotech company seeks green light for ‘drop-in replacement’ to fish oil
Fish farmers and feed producers frustrated by quota talks delay
Record operating profit on the menu for feed maker
Mycoprotein from forestry by-products boosts salmon immunity and growth
Salmon feed firm’s marketing chief calls for more fisheries certification
Australis Seafood commercial director named as new BioMar Chile MD
Info is key to increasing sustainability of aquafeed, says researcher
Tributes to man who shaped the evolution of salmon diets
Mowi Scotland buys waterborne feeder
New fishmeal ‘is a genuine breakthrough’
Scottish seaweed project may offer fish farmers a chance to cut carbon footprint
Fishmeal production rose by 36% in IFFO-tracked areas in Q1
A huge opportunity slipping through the net
BioMar signs partnership deal with black soldier fly farmer Agronutris
Seaweed-based fish prebiotic maker plans £6m market listing
Feed producer BioMar lifted operating profit by 11% last year
Plastic-eating caterpillars could be on the menu for salmon
Ethanol co-product can replace soy in salmon diets, say researchers
ASC fish farmers given two years to switch to approved feed suppliers
Canada gives green light to krill-based aquafeed ingredient
Former AKVA executive Campbell joins BioMar
On-land trout farmer signs five-year deal with Skretting
Marine growth on offshore rigs may have use in feed
Tailor-made feed plays key role for Salmon Evolution
BioMar boosts Q3 earnings by 41%
Gas-to-feed plant switched on in China
Feed maker launches faster, more intuitive user app
Omega-3 innovator MiAlgae raises £2.3m for expansion
Zooplankton added to bespoke diet for Andfjord Salmon
Ex-Hendrix executive joins BioMar in Scotland
Krill harvester announces new roles
Specialist feed maker Sparos expands reach with PTAqua
Vet joins aquafeed natural additives maker Anpario