New team sets up salmon symposium
The new executives at Stirling’s Institute of Aquaculture have organised a salmon symposium to take place on August 12th.
Ahead of the event, Dr Brett Glencross, who was recently appointed as Director of Research and Knowledge Exchange at the Institute, told Fish Farming Expert: "It’s a really exciting time, as we forge a new path forward with the new executive team. In addition to the new team, progress is also being made on vision and strategy setting for the Institute for the next 10 to 20 years. However, it is too early to discuss detail around that, but something will be forthcoming before the end of the year."
The event, which lasts from 9am to 3pm, includes talks from many of the Institute’s most eminent researchers and covers a range of topics.
John Taylor will be talking about unlocking the potential of triploid salmon; Richard Newton outlines the environmental footprint of the industry; Sandra Adams is giving an overview of fish vaccine development; Sophie Fridman is speaking about amoebic gill disease and the development of autogenous vaccines for its control; Monica Betancor on GM options for omega-3 supply; Ben Clokie on the influence of light spectrum on growth and smoltification; Manfred Weidman on the diagnostic window for detection of viruses; Mathew Sprague on omega-3's; Simon Mackenzie on mobile biomarker detection for seawater readiness monitoring; James Bron on the key parasites constraining production; Douglas Tocher on heading towards zero fishmeal and fish oil; Trevor Telfer on Scottish salmon and the environment; Francis Murray on four years of the Global Salmon Initiative; and Armin Sturm on the genomics of drug resistance in sea lice.