Na h-Eileanan an Iar MP Torcuil Crichton, left, and Salmon Scotland chief executive Tavish Scott at a breakfast briefing hosted for Scottish MPs by Crichton today.

MPs get a taste of the salmon industry

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Western Isles MP Torcuil Crichton has hosted a breakfast briefing in Westminster to inform both new and long-serving Scottish Members of Parliament about salmon farming.

Tavish Scott, chief executive of trade body Salmon Scotland, and representatives of its member companies were among those attending the cross-party event, which attracted 22 MPs from the Labour, Conservative, Liberal Democrat and Scottish National parties.

Crichton, a former journalist who won the Na h-Eileanan an Iar (Western Isles) seat for Labour at the last election, said: “Scottish salmon is due a boom in the next decade as global demand for good, low carbon and nutritious food grows.

Benefits for communities

“The challenge is to accommodate the expansion of farming while ensuring that communities reap the benefit of jobs and added value from this great Scottish product.”

Scott said: “It was great to be joined by so many of Scotland’s newest MPs and have the opportunity to highlight the impact our sector has in each of the nation’s 57 constituencies.

“MPs were able to meet with representatives from Scottish salmon producer companies and learn about the thousands of supply chain companies which contribute to the sector’s success.”

SNP MP Seamus Logan, centre, with Bakkafrost Scotland new business development director Su Cox and managing director Ian Laister.
Conservative MP John Lamont in conversation with Bakkafrost Scotland's Su Cox and Salmon Scotland's James Park.
Salmon Scotland's James Park, left, with Liberal Democrat MP Jamie Stone.