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Reliable filters for aquaculture and maritime industries
Aquaservice has developed and supplied reliable filters for close to 40 years. We are a leading supplier of self-cleaning industrial filters.
Standard for all Aquafilter models is a strainer insert made of stainles steel with a V-shaped form for efficient filtration and backflush. The specially developed strainer inserts are designed for efficient filtration at the lowest possible drop in pressure. The filter has an efficient backflush process even at low pressure levels.
Close collaboration with clients, unique expertise and experience from various types of water treatment plants have helped us become one of the leading suppliers of self-cleaning pressure filters.

+44 7469879242
The filter housings are made of highly durable HDPE plastic, and the different models use different advanced self-cleaning technology:
Disk Technology (D)
- Backwash: Bernoulli’s Principle
- Wedge wire filter element is standard
Backflush Technology (BF)
- Aquaservice patented technology
- Wedge wire filter element is standard
TAC Technology (TripleAction)
- Combines the Bernoulli principle and ejector for efficient backwashing and low flushing volume
Wedge wire filter element is standard
- Aquafilter TAC
- Aquafilter Disc

+47 412 64 585
Filters delivered in the early 80s work just as well today. This is possible due to the solid construction in HDPE, low pressure drop, high precision in the machining of products - and quality components. Key words are efficiency, wear resistance, corrosion-free material and smooth, clean surfaces - as well as large openings.