Salmon prices continue to soar
HOG Scottish salmon in the 2-3kg range were commanding an impressive average of €9.40 a kilo at Rungis fish market in Paris last week.
Meanwhile, according to figures obtained from the Parisian market by the Scottish Salmon Producers' Organisation (SSPO), Norwegian salmon of the same price were fetching €9.20 a kilo, while those of 6-7kg were averaging €9.62.
The best price, however, was being commended by Scottish Label Rouge salmon of 2-3kg, which fetched €10.30 a kilo throughout the week.
During the same period (week 27) the price for all Norwegian salmon exports averaged €8.13 per kilo – a rise of 12% compared to the previous week, according to the latest statistics from Fishpool.
Supply and demand
The mismatch between supply and demand is the main driving force for the record prices. Akvafakta reports that in week 26 Norway exported 20.6 per cent less salmon than in the corresponding week last year. And, during the first six months of the year, Norway has exported 7.1 per cent less salmon than in the first half of 2015.