The spot price for Norwegian salmon has levelled out after a steep fall earlier in the summer.

Norwegian salmon price continued slow recovery last week


The spot price for Norwegian farmed salmon rose by NOK 3.12/kg (£0.22) last week (week 29), up to NOK 77.04/kg, according to industry data provider Akvafakta. That price was NOK 7.47/kg below the same week last year, when the salmon price was NOK 84.51/kg.

The trend for the last four weeks is an increase of NOK 1.26/kg.

Norway exported 25,527 tonnes (round weight) of salmon last week, 6.1% more than in the same week last year, but 950 tonnes less than in week 28.

So far this year, Norway – the world’s biggest salmon producer – has exported 659,000 tonnes, a decrease of 3% compared to the same period in 2023.