Spot price for Norwegian salmon in 2024 (blue line) and 2023 (grey line).

Norway salmon spot price hit near two-year low last week


The spot price for Norwegian salmon ended last week (week 36) at NOK 67.6 (£4.78) per kilo, the lowest price since week 39 in 2022, when it was NOK 62.29/kg, according to industry statistics provider Akvafakta.

The price was down NOK 1.45/kg from the previous week, and NOK 4.15/kg lower than during the same week last year.

The average spot price so far this year is NOK 100.08/kg, compared to NOK 98.38/kg a year ago.

Norway exported 37,401 tonnes of salmon last week, which is 9.4% more than the same week in 2023.

So far this year, Norway has exported 885,000 tonnes of salmon, 1.4% less than in the corresponding period last year.