The spot price of salmon in 2024 (blue line) versus 2023 (grey line).

Lowest price of the year for Norwegian salmon


The spot price for Norwegian salmon fell by NOK 0.49 per kilo last week (week 33), down to NOK 72.52/kg (£5.24), which is the lowest spot price of the year.

The price is NOK 0.12 per kilo below the same week last year.

The average spot price so far this year is NOK 102.95/kg, compared to NOK 100.85/kg a year ago.

Norway exported 30,253 tonnes (round weight) of salmon in week 33.

Despite the fact that it is the second largest weekly volume of the year, it is 3.8% below the same week in 2023.

So far this year, Norway has exported 780,000 tonnes of Atlantic salmon, 2.1% less than in the corresponding period last year.