Last week's spot price (orange line) was lower than in the same week in 2022 or 2023.

Slide in Norway salmon price halted


The spot price for Norwegian farmed salmon recovered marginally last week (week), rising by NOK 0.90 per kilo to NOK 73.92 (£5.26) per kilo. According to industry statistics provider Akvafakta, that price is NOK 16.34/kg below the same week last year, when the salmon price was NOK 90.26/kg.

The trend for the last four weeks is a decrease of NOK 1.62/kg.

Norway exported 26,477 tonnes (round weight) of salmon in week 28, which is 6.5% compared to the same week last year.

So far this year, Norway has exported 633,000 tonnes of salmon, a decrease of 3.4% compared to the same period in 2023.