Adjustments cause short harvest delay for Nordic Aqua
China land-based salmon farmer Nordic Aqua Partners has decided to implement some minor adjustments to the water circulation systems following a test harvest at its recirculating aquaculture system (RAS) facility in Gaotong.
Nordic Aqua, which said the test harvest exceeded expectations in both quality and yield, said in a market announcement that the adjustments will affect the timeline for first commercial harvest marginally, with Nordic Aqua now planning a start of first harvest in week commencing April 22.
Its fish will be branded PureNordicSalmon.
“While this adjustment necessitates a slight rescheduling of the harvest to the latter half of April, it is a calculated move to enhance the quality that PureNordicSalmon is set to represent,” said chief executive Ragnar Joensen.
“We will gradually increase the volumes, until we achieve full scale production in May.”
The change second quarter harvest timeline will not impact the planned output of 3,400 tonnes in 2024, said Nordic Aqua.
Nordic Aqua Partners’ fish farm is located in Gaotang, in Ningbo, a city and prefecture with a population of nearly 10 million people. The farm will be built in three phases, taking capacity from 4,000 to 8,000 and then 20,000 tonnes.