Mowi farm manager nets praise for narration
Donald takes to filming like a fish to water
A film crew making a video at a Mowi Scotland salmon farm in South Uist came across a surprise star when they met farm manager Donald McDonald.
RSPCA Assured, which certifies all of Scotland’s salmon farmers, commissioned Bristol Productions to film operations at Loch Skipport farm, and McDonald took to the process like a pro, eloquently bringing to life the day-to-day work on the farm.
“My team and I were very keen to show off how we run our salmon farm. The welfare of our salmon is absolutely central to everything we do,” said McDonald.
“We are focused on providing a good, safe growing environment that the fish are happy in. You can tell they aren’t stressed as you watch them swimming naturally and leaping the way salmon do in the wild. I hope that the film gets this across.”
A wonderful representative
In the short film, he explains: “The RSPCA Assured scheme has over 500 standards that we comply with, and we are audited to ensure that what we are telling them is accurate: they look at the records, they look at the fish, they look at the cages. Everything we are doing is to make sure that the welfare of the fish is top priority.”
A spokesman for RSPCA Assured in Scotland said: “We are very proud of our salmon farming members and Donald is a wonderful representative. Our members work hard, often in challenging conditions outside of their control, to ensure the welfare of their fish, adhering to welfare standards which cover everything from hatchery to slaughter.
“This short film will hopefully be widely viewed by industry and consumers alike and go some way to helping people understand the extra mile RSPCA Assured members go for their animals.”
The film can be viewed here.