MOWI-brand sales doubled in value in UK last year
Salmon farmer’s own-label products worth ‘over 1% of the total fresh salmon market value’
Sales of salmon farmer Mowi’s own-brand MOWI products doubled in value in the UK last year, the company has said.
The increase for Scotland's biggest salmon producer was helped by putting the brand in more shops, and the addition of more MOWI product lines.
“During 2023, we grew our distribution of MOWI Scottish salmon fillets, cold smoked slices and hot smoked fillets in over 300 Asda stores as well as rate of sale gains within existing Sainsbury’s, Tesco and Ocado customers,” James Cowan, commercial director for Mowi Consumer Products UK, told Fish Farming Expert.
“In April, we launched the MOWI Bistro range of products in Asda and Sainsbury’s which also gained incremental sales for them by converting new customers and encouraging extra frequency (of salmon purchases).”
Cowan said all products were supported by national advertising, retail media and point of sale promotion to drive customer awareness and consideration.
Over 400 tonnes
“For all our customers, their share gains in fresh salmon with the MOWI brand added to their own label gains, thus helping them attain real growth over other competitors.
“According to (market data company) Kantar, we’ve grown our sales to be over 400 tonnes and over 1% of the total fresh salmon market value.”
When Mowi launched its Bistro range last year, Robin Brown, head of development at Mowi Consumer Products UK, said the easy-cook products were aimed at people who enjoyed fine dining but couldn’t afford to eat at restaurants as frequently as they had because of the cost-of-living crisis.
“It’s a restaurant-inspired meal created by MOWI chefs but without the restaurant price tag. With an entry point from just £4.50, I can’t wait to bring smiles to dining tables across the country,” said Brown.
The three Bistro products offered to retailers were Salmon Pastries, Salmon & Cheese Melts, and Salmon & Spicy Tomato Bake. A fourth Bistro product, a Zesty Salmon Roasting Joint, was supplied only to Asda.