A Wester Ross Fisheries salmon on display at Seafood Expo Global in Barcelona in April this year. The company said extra capacity at Mowi's Loch Torridon and Loch Alsh sites would enable it to meet "exceptional global demand".

Net gain for artisan salmon farmer 

Mowi-owned Wester Ross Fisheries gets more growing space to meet rising demand


High-end salmon farmer Wester Ross Fisheries has the possibility of trebling its capacity to around 6,000 gutted weight tonnes per year by transitioning two farms from parent company Mowi Scotland to the Wester Ross standard.

Mowi’s farms at Loch Alsh and Loch Torridon will be used by Wester Ross Fisheries to produce fish by its own method.

Wester Ross Fisheries uses a bespoke feed that enables the company to produce 1kg of salmon using less than 1kg of marine protein, and its staff hand feed fish when possible.

Connie Patillo said the move will allow Wester Ross Salmon to fulful demand.

The company said that its method of producing fish has proved to be a huge commercial success, with exceptional global demand now outstripping supply.

Connie Patillo, head of farming operations at Wester Ross Fisheries, said: “Being able to guarantee supply of Wester Ross salmon throughout the year will allow us to grow the company unfettered by market shortages and enable us to fulfil demand for our increasingly popular and unique artisan salmon.”