Kingfish Maine's planned RAS yellowtail facility has received all permits and planning consent.

New bid to block Maine kingfish farm

Opponents plan appeal against planning consent


A group opposed to a planned on-land fish farm in Maine in the United States is to appeal a decision to grant planning consent for the project.

Protect Downeast’s move comes despite more than two-thirds of people who attended a special town meeting voting in favour of the development by Kingfish Maine to produce 8,500 tonnes of yellowtail kingfish (Seriola lalandi) in a recirculating aquaculture system (RAS) facility.

The group’s lawyer, Elizabeth Boepple, said: “We have to appeal this decision for numerous reasons including Kingfish’s failure to meet several of the land use standards that are there to protect Chandler Bay and surrounding waters.”

Protect Downeast also pointed out that as of 12 December, Kingfish had not filed proof that it has the financial resources to build the project, as required by the Maine Department of Environmental Protection’s permit for the RAS.

Delaying tactics

In a press release, Boepple said: “Our eyes are focused on the next set of appeals and the one after that.”

The group claimed that until all appeals are resolved, the local permits are not final, and no construction can begin.

Kingfish Maine is a subsidiary of The Kingfish Company, which produces fish in a RAS in Zeeland, Netherlands. The company has been contacted for comment.

Earlier this month, the company told Fish Farming Expert that fundraising to meet the $110 million cost of the Jonesport facility was continuing.