Huon bids to cut time at sea with 1kg nursery salmon
Tasmanian salmon farmer Huon Aquaculture has achieved weights of more than 1kg for fish grown at its Aus$43.7 million (£24.4m) Whale Point on-land nursery, it said in a market update today.
The salmon – which Huon says are the biggest on-land hatchery-grown salmon in the southern hemisphere - are being transferred to sea where it is expected they will require between 30% and 40% less time to grow to harvest weight of 5-6 kgs.

Increased capacity
“The ability to grow larger salmon on land will cut down the time fish are at sea from an average of 14 months to as little as 9 to 10 months,” said Huon deputy chief executive Philip Wiese.
“This allows for increased production capacity from our existing leases, a reduction in the risk of mortality and will help even out the harvest profile in future years.”
“By significantly reducing the time fish spend at sea we are further improving our environmental performance and biosecurity, while at the same time underpinning our confidence in delivering production volumes of at least 25,000 tonnes in FY2020 and total production from our leases of 36,500 tonnes through time,” added Wiese.