Elizabeth Barlow starts as Grieg Seafood Newfoundland's regional director next month.

New boss for Grieg Seafood Newfoundland

Director brings nearly three decades of experience in aquaculture and government


Grieg Seafood has appointed Elizabeth Barlow as the new regional director of its operations in Newfoundland, Atlantic Canada. The company said Barlow brings nearly 30 years of operational and management experience from the aquaculture industry and government.

“I am pleased to welcome Elizabeth Barlow as the new regional director of our Newfoundland region,” said Grieg Seafood chief executive Andreas Kvame in a press release.

“Elizabeth has extensive operational and management experience spanning from biology and salmon farming to governmental roles in the Province of Newfoundland and Labrador. I am glad to have Elizabeth on board and confident that she is the right person to lead our local team in developing our Newfoundland region gradually and responsibly.”

Senior positions

Barlow has previously held senior management positions in Mowi Canada East and the Department of Fisheries and Land Resources in the Government of Newfoundland and Labrador. She has also worked with Miawpukek First Nation on marine and aquatic projects.

She has a graduate diploma in aquaculture from the Marine Institute of Memorial University in Newfoundland and Labrador and a BSc from Acadia University.

Grieg Seafood Newfoundland has exclusive rights to farm salmon in Placentia Bay, NL, and plans to eventually produce up to 45,000 tonnes of fish per year in the bay. It has also been awarded rights to develop the Bays West aquaculture area, west of Placentia Bay, with a potential to produce an additional 20,000 tonnes of salmon.

Triploid salmon

The company must use sterile triploid salmon to prevent the risk of introgression if fish escape and has said it will increase production slowly.

Grieg expects to harvest 5,000 tonnes of salmon in NL this year, with the ambition to increase to 15,000 tonnes in 2026.

“I am excited to join Grieg Seafood Newfoundland in continuing to build on their successes. I look forward to developing the significant opportunity that Newfoundland has to be a leader in sustainable aquaculture production and to supporting the rural economies of the province,” said Barlow, who will start in her new role on July 8.