A new name in lumpsucker production
The salmon producer Alsaker Fjordbruk has revealed plans to produce 15 million lumpfish a year at its old smolt facility at Onarheim, in Tysnes commune.
“We will hatch and produce the most possible lumpfish in the next few months, especially for our own company,” says production manager Øystein Eskeland. “We have been very lucky with the hatching of the roe and have had a really good hatching percentage, so we are very satisfied with the start here,” he adds.
Millions of newly hatched lumpfish are swimming in small tubs at Onarheim, under the care of lumpfish company Onarheim Bruk, a new subsidiary of Alsaker Fjordbruk. The company is currently the middle of both hatching and the building process at the location – expanding the facility and adapting it for lumpfish production.
“We will hatch and produce the most possible lumpfish, at least for our own needs. In time we also want to produce to other companies,” Eskeland says.
The company started up their lumpfish production in the autumn, and its first roe were in the location on October 29th.
“We are allowed to produce 15 million lumpfish – the equivalent of 150 tonnes of 10 gram fish. We also have a permit for 15 tonnes of smolt,” Eskeland explains.
Eskeland says they have an owner who’s eager to invest in the production of lumpsuckers. “Our owner, Gerhard Alsaker, has prioritized the project and wants to discover further developments. There is no doubt that we are focusing on lumpfish,” he adds.