Gill Health Initiative calls for abstracts for 2020 meeting
The international Gill Health Initiative has issued a call for scientists to submit abstracts for its next meeting, GHI2020, which will take place in the Stirling Court Hotel in the grounds of Stirling University on April 1-2 next year.
The Gill Health Initiative (GHI) has been running since 2012, when it was formed to bring together industry and researchers.
Gill disease is one of the biggest problems facing salmon farmers worldwide.

The aims of the GHI are to focus on key gill disease research areas and the sharing of field-based farm management practices, promotion of exchange between researchers and industry for faster information sharing, and the streamlining of research efforts across Norway, Scotland, Ireland and Australia.
Its steering committee is comprised of at least one research and one industry representative from Norway, Scotland and Ireland, Chile and Australia.
GHI meetings used to be held annually but next April’s event will be the first since April 2018 in Galway, Ireland, following a decision to hold them every two years.
Abstracts for GHI2020 are now being accepted for the topics of integrated health management, genetics, immunology and vaccines, epidemiology, and nutrition, but abstracts can be submitted on any other topic relevant to gill health.
The meeting is being sponsored by the Scottish Aquaculture Innovation Centre (SAIC) and the Norwegian Seafood Research Fund (FHF).
The abstract sbmissions guide and form can be downloaded here.