Ewing: Scotland committed to Norway
Scotland's Cabinet Secretary for the Rural Economy and Connectivity Fergus Ewing has told fishfarmingexpert.com he is keen to discuss Brexit and aquaculture with Norwegian fisheries minister Per Sandberg.
A meeting with the Norwegian fisheries minister was due to be held in Edinburgh today but was postponed after Per Sandberg's flight from Oslo was delayed.
Ewing said he had planned to discuss aquaculture and fisheries issues and "highlight that whatever the outcome of the Brexit negotiations, Scotland remains committed to working with Norway and other partners on shared agendas, and to achieve mutually beneficial outcomes".
“We have already seen substantial Norwegian investment in Scottish based aquaculture operations and we want to make sure this continues."
Earlier Sandberg was quoted as saying: "With Britain exiting the EU it is important for Norway to keep the good co-operation with our neighbours on the other side of the North Sea.
"A good relationship does not come by itself, but I have good contact with my colleagues in the British Isles."