From left: Erik Holvik, Leif Haagensen, and Stian Hjelle are the new leaders of the Norwegian Seafood Council's salmon and trout, pelagic, and whitefish market groups respectively.

Grieg director chosen as link between Norway salmonid industry and marketing body 


Salmon farmer Grieg Seafood’s commercial director, Erik Holvik, has been elected to also lead the Norwegian Seafood Council’s market group for salmon and trout.

“I am happy to be asked to take on the leadership role in the marketing group for salmon and trout. I am from Måløy (a town on the island of Vågsøy on Norway’s west coast) and grew up with the seafood industry, so I feel an extra sense of pride in working for the quality products of the seafood nation Norway. It is simply extremely rewarding to work to promote Norwegian seafood,” said Holvik.

The Norwegian Seafood Council works with the seafood industry to increase the value of Norwegian seafood in established and new markets worldwide. Its five market groups – salmon and trout; whitefish; pelagic; shrimp; and conventional - are designed to ensure both good anchoring and information flow between the Seafood Council and various players in the industry.

Demanding times

“A good job has been done for many years in marketing Norwegian seafood in the global market. It is especially important to maintain this strong position now, since we live in demanding times. When the framework changes rapidly, the Norwegian seafood industry must be able to adapt and work well together,” said Holvik.

“In this work, both origin marketing and the new species strategies of the Seafood Council are absolutely central, because all species are affected by the same turmoil in the markets.”

Along with Holvik, Stian Hjelle was elected as leader of the whitefish group, and Leif Haagensen becomes new leader of the pelagic group. Hjelle is managing director of Ervik Seafood AS, and Haagensen is general manager of Jangaard Export.

“The Seafood Council’s five market groups play a very important role in its marketing work, where market and budget priorities, strategic alignment in individual markets and connecting exporters in operational marketing work are central,” said Børge Grønbech, the Seafood Council’s global operations director.