Health co joins GSI
MSD Animal Health has joined the Global Salmon Initiative (GSI) – the organisation which currently includes 12 of the world’s leading salmon producers and aims to fast-track the sustainability of the salmon sector.
“The global salmon business has a very bright future with strong demand and healthy growth,” said Dr Chris Beattie, Head of Global Aquaculture, MSD Animal Health.
“We align very closely with GSI’s vision of providing a highly sustainable source of healthy protein to feed a growing global population, while minimizing its environmental footprint. With fish health and welfare central to the future success of salmon farming, we see a natural fit between MSD Animal Health and GSI.”
MSD Animal Health is committed to supporting global farmed salmon producers through a wide range of products and services for the environmentally and economically sustainable control of major aquaculture diseases around the world.
GSI was established in 2013 and the 12 producers who are part of it represent approximately 50% of the global salmon production industry. Members pledge their commitment to a shared goal of providing a sustainable source of healthy food to feed a growing global population, whilst minimizing its environmental footprint and improving the sector’s social contribution.