Europe and the US show improvements

Unlike exports to Japan, Russia and Brazil, which have seen reduced returns in 2016, Chilean exports to Europe and the US have seen healthy increases in value in the first seven months of the year.

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According to figures from Salmonchile, the country exported 310,344 tonnes of salmonids up to July this year, worth US$ 2,062 million. These figures represent a 5.5 per cent decrease in volume and a 0.7 per cent decrease in value.

Chilean shipments of salmonids to the US totalled 83,027 tonnes up to the end of July - 1 per cent higher than in the same period of 2015. In turn, the value of those exports experienced a 4 per cent increase, up to US$ 746 million.

A similar situation was experienced by those exports to the EU - with 24,353 tonnes, worth US$ 146 million exported in the first seven months of the year. These results represent a 36.3 per cent increase in volume and a 30.4 per cent increase in value, compared to the first seven months of 2015.

By contrast, local salmon exports to Brazil totalled 47,583 tonnes - a 13 per cent decrease compared to the same period of 2015. In turn, returns have decreased 3.5 per cent, down to US$ 279 million.

Likewise, shipments to Japan totalled 63,335 tonnes - 17.2 per cent lower compared to the same period of 2015. Returns from this market have experienced a 16.1 per cent decrease, down to US$ 374 million

Finally Chile exported 30,479 tonnes to Russia, down by 11.7 per cent  in volume and 2.4 per cent in value, dropping to US$ 163 million.