In most UK rivers, fewer than five now return.

Chilean exports on the up

Despite Chilean salmon exports in the first five months of the year falling by 1.5% compared to the same period in 2015, to a total of US$ 1,534.59 million, the monthly difference (y-on-y) is narrowing - a reflection of recent price improvements.

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Despite this decline, the gap is narrowing  -  the Y-o-Y difference was only -1.7 per cent in April, up from -4.9 per cent in the previous month.

In turn, the US$ 1,534.59 million exported by the Chilean salmon industry as of May 2016 represents a 23.2 per cent decrease compared to the first five months of 2014 (US$ 1,998.47 million), according to figures from the Central Bank of Chile.

Chile exported US$ 1,349.70 million in salmon products (Atlantics and cohos) up to the end of May - a decrease of $18 million or 1.3 per cent compared to the same period of the previous year.

Meanwhile exports of rainbow trout totalled US$ 184.89 million, representing a decrease of almost $5.9 million or 3.1 per cent compared to the first five months of 2015.