Salmones Camanchaca harvested 14,326 tonnes in Q3
Chilean farmer expects to top 50,000 tonnes for full year
Chile’s seventh largest fish farmer Salmones Camanchaca harvested 14,326 tonnes of Atlantic salmon (whole fish equivalent) with average weights of 5.22 kg in the third quarter of 2022, it said in a trading update today.
There were no harvests of coho, which follows a seasonal cycle, in Q3.
Camanchaca’s accumulated harvest for the first nine months of 2022 was 35,544 tonnes: 34,881 tonnes of Atlantic salmon with an average weight of 4.83 kg and 663 tonnes of coho with an average weight of 4.9 kg.
The company’s Atlantic salmon harvest estimate for 2022 is maintained at 45,000 - 47,000 tonnes and for coho’s 2022 season at 6,000 -7,000 tonnes.
Salmones Camanchaca’s full Q3 2022 report will be released on 16 November 2022.