AquaChile was the best salmon farmer in terms of prompt payment to SME suppliers in Q3. Photo: Salmonexpert file.

Salmon farmers third on Chile prompt payers’ list

Chile’s salmon industry is one of the better sectors for settling bills from small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) quickly, according to a ranking by the country’s Products Bag, a South American marketing mechanism for agricultural products and other commodities.

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The country’s salmon farmers take, on average, 43 days to pay their SME suppliers, based on information obtained in the third quarter of this year.

The ranking, which gives sectors marks out of 100, revealed that the food sector is the best payer with an average of 80.1 points, followed by the sanitary sector with 73.8 points, and salmon farming with 69.9 points.

Additional commitments

In the middle of the rankings are the industrial, mining and energy sectors on 67.3, 66.4 and 65.6 points respectively. The bottom places are occupied by the commerce and construction sectors with 63.7 and 50.6 points respectively.

AquaChile, listed under the name of one of its constituent companies, Los Fiordos, is the highest-ranked salmon farmer with 87 points, above the industry average of 69.9 points.

“It should be noted that several large payers such as Colbún, Blumar and (AquaChile owner) Agrosuper, among others, have begun to assume additional commitments with their SME providers, allowing them to access shorter payment terms and discount rates through the transaction of their confirmed invoices,” stated the Products Bag.