Business as usual for trout ova producer Troutlodge
Troutlodge, the world’s the world’s leading producer of eyed trout eggs, has assured customers that business is operating as usual despite the Covid-19 pandemic.
“Troutlodge’s role as largest trout genetic company in the world is critical for global trout production, so ensuring we’re able to continue delivering trout eggs is essential. That’s why we’re taking additional measures to protect our people, our fish and our trout eggs,” the United States-based company said a news release.
Troutlodge has taken steps to help slow down the spread of the virus which causes severe respiratory complications in humans. Visitors are not allowed in offices. Staff members are practicing social distancing by working shifts and working from home. Additional personal hygiene measures have been implemented company wide.
Low risk
Torutlodge said the World Health Organization had clearly stated that there is no evidence of humans becoming infected with Covid-19 from an animal source. The likelihood of an infected person contaminating commercial goods is low. The risk of catching the Covid-19 virus from a package that has been moved, transported, and exposed to different conditions and temperature is low.
“With reference to the WHO statements, we at Troutlodge believe that shipping trout eggs is considered to be safe and therefore we will continue supplying our customers with trout eggs.”
500 million eggs per year
Troutlodge, owned by Netherlands firm Hendrix Genetics, produces over 500 million trout eggs annually and ships them to over 60 countries. It has been in operation since 1945 and operates out of Bonney Lake, Washington.
It specialises in rainbow trout eggs and offers all-female and triploid eggs. The company is the Pacific Northwest's leading supplier of live rainbow trout for public and private stocking programs.