Earthquake triggers Vancouver Island tsunami alert
The Canadian government has issued a tsunami warning for Vancouver Island and surrounding areas following an earthquake of strength 7.9 off Alaska at 9:30am UK time today. Calculations show that a wave can reach all the way to southern Chile.

The earthquake had its epicentre 281 kilometers south-east of Kodiak City in Alaska. The quake was initially reported to be 8.2, but is now scaled down to 7.9.Areas at risk from a potential
Canadian authorities warn the population on Vancouver Island could be hit by a tsunami caused by the quake. Authorities recommend people who live in a coastal area to move to higher ground or move to an upper floor of a tall building depending on the situation. They point out that a tsunami is a series of waves, and the first wave may not be the largest.
Salmon farming is carried out on both the west and east sides of Vancouver Island. Marine Harvest and Canada both have a significant presence on the island.
In British Columbia, a tsunami warning has been issued for the Juan de Fuca Strait coast, the outer west coast of Vancouver Island, the central coast and northeast Vancouver Island, and the north coast and Haida Gwaii.
Further south, a tsunami watch remains in effect for the outer coast from the Oregon/Washington border to Slip Point, Columbia River estuary coast, and the Juan de Fuca Strait coast. Cooke Aquaculture Pacific has eight salmon farms, including two at Port Angeles, where tsunami activity is forecast to start at 05:30 Pacific Standard Time (1pm UK).