Cermaq releases Q4 sustainability figures
Cermaq has released its quarterly sustainability figures for operations in Canada, Chile and Norway.
Cermaq Canada
The rolling 12 month fish survival rate at Cermaq Canad decreased compared with the same period in 2017. “With a rolling survival rate of 90.4% the use of antibiotics by closed cycle decreased by over 80% in Q4 2018 compared to the previous year.”
Furthermore, there were no fish escapes during Q4 and no non-compliance issues. Average sea lice levels were 0.89 adult female and mobile lice compared to 1.90 female and mobile lice during the same quarter in 2017. No sea lice treatment in feed was used during Q4 2018.
There was an absence rate of 3.2% and lost time injury rate of zero injuries.
Cermaq Chile
At Cermaq Chile the survival rate for Atlantic salmon, coho salmon and rainbow trout improved this quarter compared to the same period last year, with rolling survival rate of 95% for Atlantic salmon, 94.8% for coho salmon and 98.7% for trout.
Cermaq Chile decreased antibiotic use by a third compared to the same quarter last year. 208 grams of antibiotics was used per ton harvested compared with 304 grams per ton during Q4 2017. The main reasons for antibiotic use were to control Piscirickettsiosis (SRS), yersinosis, and furunculosis.
Sea lice counts increased compared with the same period last year at 0.97 lice per fish versus 0.77 lice per fish, antibiotic use by closed cycle systems decreased and sea lice treatment increased. There were no fish escapes at Cermaq Chile in Q4 2018
The absence rate of 1.5% was lower compared with the same quarter last year, while the lost time injury rate, injury frequency rate, and lost time frequency increased. Two non-compliances were reported.
Cermaq Norway
The rolling fish survival rate at Cermaq Norway decreased compared with the same period last year with a rolling survival rate of 93.9% in Q4 2018. "There was use of 1.4 grams of antibiotics per ton of fish harvested by closed cycle for salmon harvested this quarter." Also, nine pens of fish were treated for mouthrot in Finnmark in February 2017 while all other fish harvested in Q4 2018 received no antibiotics.
"Sea lice counts were 0.09 adult female lice per fish while sea lice bath treatment increased to 0.3 grams of active pharmaceutical ingredient per ton of live weight equivalent produced. The majority of farms have very good sanitary conditions and overall lice counts are maintained well below the regulatory limit of 0.5 average adult female lice per fish."
Absence rate was 4.3% which was a decrease from 4.9% in the same period in 2017. Lost time injury rate decreased and lost time frequency rate also decreased. A non-compliance fine was paid in Q4 2018. There were no fish escapes from Cermaq Norway during Q4 2018.