Landeldi order gives sludge treatment expert ‘strong foothold’ in Iceland
Iceland on-land salmon farmer Landeldi has signed a contract to buy containerised sludge treatment equipment from Norwegian company Blue Ocean Technology.
The contract includes dewatering with Blue Ocean Technology’s core products including the Bluehouse systems band filter, screw press and more, plus an option for the Blue Dryer, a low energy solution with absorption technology and heat recovery.
Landeldi’s Deep Atlantic Station farm is being constructed just outside the town of Thorlakshofn, south Iceland, and sits on top of fully renewable underground salt- and freshwater reservoirs, filtered and warmed up by the porous lava bed.
33,500-tonne target
The first phase of the project is for 6,000 tonnes of annual production, with a final aim of 33,500 tonnes.
Landeldi plans substantial cooperation between local agriculture and the fish farm to make the aquaculture sludge into a resource with considerable environmental, social and governance (ESG) value.
On its website, Landeldi states: “Sludge to us is a valuable resource with great environmental potential which we intend to utilise for the greater good. Gathering and recycling it into a natural fertiliser is an integral part of the Deep Atlantic Project. Used as a natural fertiliser to reclaim soil, it will eventually terraform eroded land into lush forests growing in rich soil.”
In a press release today, Landeldi sustainability and innovation director Runar Thor Thorarinsson said: “Blue Ocean Technology was an easy choice for Landeldi. The design quality, know-how and resourcefulness are outstanding, the company is highly dynamic and embodies the spirit of innovation and excellence.

“We share a vision for sustainability and Blue Ocean Technology effortlessly adopted and contributed to our long-term vision for what can be achieved in Iceland. This partnership will stand the test of time and achieve great things.”
Thrilled with contract
Blue Ocean will deliver a fish sludge dewatering system with a production capacity up to 6,000 tonnes.
“We are thrilled with this contract. It has been on top of our agenda to secure a strong foothold in the very dynamic Icelandic land-based salmon scene,” said chief executive Hans Runshaug.
“We really appreciate the deep-felt environmental focus of Landeldi and their enthusiasm for developing the downstream focus with regard to fish sludge combined with agriculture manure for local value development.”
Hybrid system
Landeldi plans to use a combination of one-third filtered sea water and two-thirds recirculated water in a hybrid system making use of underground sea water and fresh water sources, and Iceland’s affordable electricity supply.
The company already has experience of on-land fish farming after buying the Öxnalækur hatchery in 2020, where around one million smolts are currently swimming in the tanks. The company uses a freshwater flow-through system and environmentally certified feed. All water is locally sourced from wells on the company’s land, and Landeldi states that the temperature is perfect for smolts and is 100% geothermally heated.