Distributor puts Global Seafood Alliance products at front of the queue


Spanish seafood distributor Calimax, which is based in Ibiza, has committed to sourcing produce certified under the Global Seafood Alliance’s Best Aquaculture Practices (BAP) and Best Seafood Practices (BSP) programs when it is available.

The company sells and distributes farmed and wild-caught seafood – including salmon, shrimp, mussels, lobster, crab, oyster, cod, and tuna - to hotels, restaurants and shops in Ibiza and throughout the Balearic Islands.

“Calimax has been growing and evolving throughout the years, responding to consumer and market demand … but there are things that do not change over time: our commitment to give the best service and deliver the best of the sea,” said founder Ramon Muñoz.

“We wanted to take our commitments one step further at Calimax by endorsing GSA’s certification programs, which cover the entire production process from hatchery or vessel to the final consumer. By sourcing product from BAP- and BSP-certified producers, we’re helping promote seafood that’s not only high-quality, but also environmentally and socially responsible.”

Strict standards

Irene Padovano, who represents GSA’s BAP and BSP certification programs in Spain, said: “We are excited about this new partnership and commend Calimax for supporting seafood that meets GSA’s strict standards relative to the environment, the workers and the animals themselves.

“With the addition of Calimax to the expanding group of market endorsers in Spain, we are also seeing the distribution sector becoming more active in the responsible seafood space.”

The GSA said its BAP and BSP certification programs are continuing to expand. At the end of May, there were 3,491 certified processing plants, farms, hatcheries, and feed mills worldwide.