Barramundi Group plans 30,000-tonne production
Barramundi Group Australia (BGA) has announced a 10-year plan to expand its production capacity to 30,000 tonnes.
The $350 million (£197 million) expansion, off the remote Kimberley coast in Western Australia, will create 350 to 400 direct jobs, as well as local business opportunities for the region, said the company.
Barramundi Group Australia, the trading name of Marine Produce Australia, has been collaborating with environmental consultants for several years to develop a strategy to grow production in the region over the next decade.
Barramundi Group chief executive officer Andreas von Scholten said: “We have identified 13 marine sites that will ultimately allow us to sustainably expand to a capacity of 30,000 tonnes production annually.
“We are also proposing to develop three land-based fish nurseries and a processing facility in the region.”
The plan considers best management practices including fallowing, biosecurity, and a scale-up process at a rate that allows adaptive management.
“BGA is proud of its 18-year history, environmental credentials, and track record in the region,” said Von Scholten.
“The learnings from our current operation have given us the confidence that we can grow in harmony with local flora and fauna, enhance biosecurity and provide even more jobs and opportunities for local communities in this remote part of Australia.
“We are consulting with our stakeholders in the Kimberley region, including the Traditional Owners who have native title over this area.”
Von Scholten added: “Our vision is to be considered leaders in the field, and to also apply innovative technologies to our operations. Most importantly, we want the communities that we support to be proud of us as a producer, employer, and partner.”
Barramundi Group, which is certified by Best Aquaculture Practices (BAP), is the largest barramundi producer in Australasia, and has markets in Singapore, Australia, China, Hong Kong, South Korea, and the US.
The expansion plans have now been submitted to the relevant authorities, including Australia's Environmental Protection Authority.