New look for BAP logo
The Global Aquaculture Alliance has unveiled a new logo for its third-party aquaculture certification program, Best Aquaculture Practices (BAP), as part of a rebranding campaign that will roll out in October.
In a press release the GAA said that since its inception in 2002, BAP had evolved and grown tremendously, and the rebranding campaign acknowledges the program’s journey from an industry-facing solution to a publicly recognised brand.
The centrepiece of the rebranding campaign is a new BAP logo that the GAA says is more consumer friendly and displays more clearly on pack, in print and online.
The refreshed BAP logo “better speaks to the program’s goal of continuous improvement and the program’s connection to GAA, which underwent a rebrand in 2016 as the organisation approached its 20th anniversary”.
In Scotland, both the Scottish Salmon Company and Wester Ross Fisheries have BAP certification, as does BioMar’s feed plant.