Has sold out of Sapphire and lost 50 million NOK
It is the investment company AS Clipper, controlled by the Steensland family, that has now exited after being on and off for three years.
This was discovered
by the Norwegian media Finansavisen by going through shareholder lists.
According to the newspaper, the Steensland family appeared in Atlantic Sapphire with a purchase of 177,000 shares at the end of October 2020 when the price was just over 102 NOK.
As the price continued to fall, they bought more shares throughout 2021.
After several bad news related to technical and biological challenges, the stock price plummeted.
Just last week, information about a liquidity shortage and a new issuance caused the price to drop to 2.70 NOK, and the investment company, according to Finansavisen, dumped all its shares.
Finansavisen has therefore calculated that Clipper has lost 48.8 million kroner. The newspaper has not yet received comments from representatives of the investment company.