Atlantic Sapphire had to harvest a lot of small fish in Q2
Florida company had too many salmon for its feed capacity
Florida land-based salmon farmer Atlantic Sapphire had to harvest fish at a below-optimal average weight of 1.55 kg (head on gutted) in the second quarter of 2024 because it had too many fish in its tanks for its current feeding capacity, it has revealed in a trading update.
It added that a number of mitigating actions had been initiated.
Atlantic Sapphire harvested approximately 1,245 tonnes HOG in Q2, up from 1,1150 tonnes HOG in Q1.
Biological development progressed favourably in Q2, with stable water quality and temperatures. Net biomass gain in Q2 was approximately 1,550 tonnes live weight (Q1 2024: 1,200 tonnes), and standing biomass at the end of Q2 was 2,930 tonnes live weight (Q1 2024: 2,870 tonnes).
The company will provide more financial details in its report for the first half of 2024, which will be published on Tuesday, August 20.