Mowi Scotland gets green light for Kilbrannan fish farm
‘We are humbled and grateful for the support of the Carradale community’, says salmon company boss
Mowi Scotland has received unanimous approval from a council planning committee for its proposed salmon farm in Kintyre’s Kilbrannan Sound. Mowi said the development will create 10 permanent jobs and lead to substantial investment to reinvigorate the local community harbour in Carradale.
The new farm, called North Kilbrannan, will comprise 12 x 120 metre circular pens with a 400-tonne capacity feed barge, and has permission for a maximum biomass of 2,475 tonnes.
“We are very pleased to have received unanimous support from Argyll and Bute Council for this development at Kilbrannan Sound,” said Mowi Scotland chief operating officer Ben Hadfield in a press release.
“Over the past five years our teams of marine biologists, oceanographers and data analysts have listened and responded to local concerns raised and highlighted the many economic and sustainability credentials of the development. With this approval we look forward to moving ahead to expand on the local and national benefits our business provides.”

During the North Kilbrannan farm application, Mowi also engaged the Carradale community on a proposal to rejuvenate the harbour by building a purpose-built shore base, storage facilities and new pontoon.
Vital amenity
The company said community engagement for the harbour upgrade will continue to ensure positive social and economic impacts are realised.
“As well as improving a vital amenity for locals and helping service growing business interest and community development, we hope the regeneration will help reinvigorate Carradale Harbour as it has experienced throughout its history,” said Hadfield.
“Mowi Scotland has a longstanding history of successful development where Mowi has expanded and improved its business, and at the same time ensured lasting and large-scale community benefits. The whole team at Mowi is particularly proud of the Carradale Harbour regeneration and we are humbled and grateful for the support of the Carradale community.”
Mowi Scotland’s head of environment, Stephen MacIntyre, who led the project, said: “Our business at Carradale has enjoyed strong community support even during our most challenging times. We are very grateful for this support and want to expand our business in a way that not only benefits our company, but also benefits Carradale and neighbouring communities.”
Mowi Scotland first applied for the Kilbrannan farm in 2019. It already has all the other permissions required and expects to have the facility up and running next year.