PEI Aquaculture Alliance: stop spread of invasive species

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Tor-Eddie Fossbakk The Canadian Broadcasting Corporation (CBC) reports that the PEI Aquaculture Alliance and the provincial government have launched a public awareness campaign to prevent the spread of destructive species such as oyster thief and green crab. The campaign will inform people on how to help keep unwanted species out through radio advertisements, workshops and booklets. Peter Warris, research and development co-coordinator with the Aquaculture Alliance told CBC the booklets tell people what to look for, and how to properly clean their vessels to stop their spread. "I think the more awareness we can get out there, then it can only help," Warris said. In addition to booklets, ads and workshop, the Aquaculture Alliance will post signs at wharves and boat launches around the Island to remind boat owners to keep their boats clean and to report anything suspicious. Over the past ten years, six new aquatic invaders have been identified on the Island.