
Innovation vital for continuing success of Scottish fish farming industry

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This is the view of Stephen Divers, managing director of Fusion Marine, speaking shortly after the Oban based company scooped the prestigious Aquaculture Supplier of the Year award at the Crown Estate Marine Aquaculture Awards in Edinburgh

The trend for the future in Scotland is almost certainly for salmon farming operations to move further offshore, which means the requirement for large and robust pens to securely contain fish,” he says.

We recognised this requirement several years ago and this resulted in the development of our Triton fish farm pen that is now successfully used in Scotland and other locations around the world.

The development of Triton required considerable investment on our part and such a strategy has proved fundamental to the success of Fusion Marine.

We are delighted that our development of new designs and technology has been recognised at the Marine Aquaculture Awards and we will continue to innovate over the coming years by working closely with our partners in Scottish salmon farming sector.”