The Nifes study showed that farmed salmon had lower levels of most environmental pollutants than wild salmon, including dioxins, PCBs and pesticides.

Gill disease affecting Marine Harvest Ireland's results

Published Last updated

Siri Elise Dybdal

Salmon of Irish origin achieved an operational EBIT of 10 million NOK in the fourth quarter of 2012, compared to 21 million NOK in 2011. Operational EBIT per kg harvested in the period was NOK - 3.56 (6.49NOK in 2011). Harvest volume in the period decreased to 2 736 tonnes gutted weigh in Q4 2012,  compared to 3 283 tonnes in 2011.

Prices remained strong in the period as the organic salmon market remains very favourable.

However, biomass losses due to amoebic gill disease (AGD) significantly impacted the cost of harvested fish in the period and will continue to do so going forward, the company said.

Mortality related to AGD was reduced during the quarter, but exceptional mortality in the amount of NOK 23 million, mainly due to AGD, was recognised in the period, Marine Harvest said.