
Demand for sustainable salmon

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 Siri Elise Dybdal 

Andy Bing, co-founder and sales director of the Scottish sustainable salmon farming company Loch Duart Salmon, says the Freedom Food mark has been remarkably high in demand in the last year.

“It has been embraced by celebrity chefs such as Jamie Oliver and Hugh Fearnley-Whittingstall with other species.

“People have got to know the mark,” he claims. 

According to Bing, the company experienced high demand in 2009:“In 2009, the market just kept on growing. We didn’t have enough fish. The demand was great both in the UK and abroad - we sell our fish to 14 countries.”

He also believes people will continue to care about source of their food, welfare and the environmental message in 2010.  

Karen Galloway, marketing manager for Seafish, agrees that sustainably produced salmon will continue to be sought after in the future: “In the end, people still want a good quality accreditation such as Freedom Food. They want their product to be looked after,” Galloways claims and adds:

“We might see a renaissance of accredited marks in 2010.”

But she emphasises that demand will still depend on the economic future, disposable income, job security and the upcoming election.