Contingency plans implemented due to volcano eruption
The National Fisheries Service (Sernapesca) gauged the current risk and conditions in 17 freshwater sites located in the area. The most affected company was Nilahue, where 100% of the fish died of asphyxia due to an interruption in the water flow caused by the eruption. Losses in that facility accounted for 4.3 million fish (fry and smolts), representing a biomass around 150 tonnes.
Among other measures, Sernapesca has authorized the transference of 5 million fish from three freshwater sites in this area to safer areas. Besides, Sernapesca is going to create a biosecure plan to remove dead fish from affected sites nearby the Nilahue River.
The Puyehue-Cordon Caulle Volcano Complex, where the eruption occurred, is in fact a group of four volcanoes nestled in the Andes mountain range shared by the southern Los Ríos and Los Lagos regions. The system is located in Chile’s Puyehue National Park.