Grimbsy salmon RAS developer consults with public
Event being held tomorrow to engage with community and residents
Aquacultured Seafood, which plans the UK’s first commercial-scale land-based salmon farm in Grimsby Port, will hold a public consultation event in the Lincolnshire fishing town tomorrow.
The event at Grimsby Fishing Heritage Centre, Alexandra Dock, takes place from 3pm to 7pm and has been organised to engage with the local community and residents on plans to produce 5,000 tonnes of fish (whole fish equivalent) annually in a recirculating aquaculture system (RAS) facility.
The company said full details of any information shared at the event will be available on its website, aquacultured.co.uk, from Wednesday.
The 11-hectare site of the proposed salmon RAS facility is a former railway siding that was reclaimed and cleared in the early 1990s.

Aquacultured Seafood plans 40,042 m² of floorspace and associated plant/infrastructure and will have both freshwater tanks for young fish and saltwater tanks for grow-out. The company expects to use approximately 1,000m³ per day of fresh water and 1,000m³ per day of salt water.
Fresh water will be provided via the existing Associated British Ports infrastructure, from its independent ground water supply boreholes at Grimsby Port. Salt water will be abstracted from a borehole constructed at the site, to target saline groundwater within the underlying chalk and/or limestone aquifers.
North East Lincolnshire Council decided in February that the land-based salmon farm proposal did not require an Environmental Impact Assessment, as “it is unlikely to have significant effects on the environment by virtue of factors such as its nature, size or location”.
Aquacultured Seafood Limited has six active directors, including former Scottish Salmon Company chief executive Craig Anderson and Michael Berthet, managing director of consultants Aquaesea Limited and a board member of the Global Aquaculture Alliance.
Read more about the company's plans here.