Julio Salas, undersecretary for fisheries and aquaculture. The ministry is seeking views on proposals for an aquaculture law.

Chilean ministry takes aquaculture law consultation to fish farming areas 


Chile's fisheries ministry, Subpesca, and academics from a Chilean aquaculture institute will this week hold the first in a series of consultation meetings to let people have their say about a proposed General Law on Aquaculture (GLA).

The Southern University of Chile’s Institute of Aquaculture and Environment is working with Subpesca in the collaborative project.

Fish farming companies, citizens of the communities where aquaculture is carried out, and workers in the sector will be invited to participate in the consultation workshops.

Subpesca aims to draft a bill that both addresses and responds to the challenges that the aquaculture sector faces in the coming decades and that continues to contribute to the sustainable development of the activity and national and global food security.

Consultation schedule

Date Location
October 18Puerto Natales
October 22Temuco
October 24Puerto Aysén
October 29online format
November 4Puerto Montt
November 5Castro
November 6Quellón
November 8Hornopirén
November 12Coquimbo

Discussions are expected to be framed within the eight pillars identified for the GLA: (1) Access; (2) Aquaculture Territorial Planning; (3) Environmental (Sustainable Approach); (4) Animal Health and Welfare; (5) Research for Decision Making; (6) Supervision and Sanctions; (7) Production Chains and Marketing; and (8) Governance.

A long process

Subpesca seeks to involve all stakeholders in consultations, and is inviting small, medium and large aquaculture companies, as well as users and society in general, to regional and provincial workshops, to collect information about the needs, problems and proposals of each territory.

Subpesca told Fish Farming Expert’s Chilean sister site, Salmonexpert, that it expects to present the Aquaculture Bill during 2025, and that therefore it is very likely that debate will extend throughout the remainder of President Gabriel Boric’s term and into a future government.

“Companies in the territories will be considered in the field calls for tenders, and everyone is invited to participate in the participatory process and, of course, they always have the possibility of requesting lobbying with the authorities within the framework of the new Aquaculture Law,” announced Subpesca.