Funded researchers offered to aquaculture industry
The Scottish Aquaculture Innovation Centre (SAIC) is inviting members of the aquaculture industry interested in developing research projects with academia to brainstorming sessions in Edinburgh and Oban.
SAIC currently funds 25 Masters places at Stirling University, Herriot Watt University, Edinburgh University, Aberdeen University, Dundee University and the Scottish Association for Marine Science (SAMS).
A major component of the funded course is a research project, and SAIC wants to increase the involvement of industry with these research projects, to make sure that the research is relevant to industry, and to increase the pool of research projects.
All areas
The first Industry Academia Brainstorm will take place at SAMS at Dunstaffnage, Oban from 10am-12pm on September 17.
SAMS delivers an MSc course in Aquaculture, Environment and Society and is looking for projects across all areas of aquaculture including health, welfare, disease, genetics, aquaculture systems, technology, and governance.
The Edinburgh University meeting will take place at the Edinburgh Centre for Carbon and Innovation between 10am-12pm on September 26.
The University delivers an MSc on Marine Systems and Policies and is looking for potential projects involving fish health and welfare, algal biotechnology, wrasse and sea lice, but also on benthic and water quality environmental monitoring.
Those interested in attending can register for the SAMS meeting here and the Edinburgh meeting here.