From left: Ben Perry, Tara McGregor-Woodhams, and Tom Cryans with the A-Biomass camera.

Camera sales team focuses on Japan

Ace Aquatec trio join UK/Scotland sales delegation at Tokyo seafood show


Dundee-based fish farming technology maker Ace Aquatec has targeted Japan as the latest market for its A-Biomass underwater camera.

Chief sales and marketing officer Tara McGregor-Woodhams, head of sales Ben Perry and technical sales and partnerships manager Tom Cryans were today launching the camera at the Japan International Seafood and Technology Expo in Tokyo.

They will be at the Seafood from Scotland/United Kingdom pavilion, a joint sponsorship project funded by the Department of Environment, Food & Rural Affairs (DEFRA), the Department for Business & Trade (DBT), Seafish, and Seafood Scotland.

The A-Biomass camera weighs 8.5 kg, and is said to be smaller and easier to deploy than rival products, while offering real-time millimetre accuracy.

The Ace Aquatec team will also be visiting various key Japanese aquaculture producers with partners from the British Embassy in Tokyo and Scottish Development International.

Efficiency and precision

The A-Biomass camera, which took several years to develop, was unveiled at the Aqua Nor fish farming trade in Trondheim, Norway, last year, and has been rolled out in several regions.

Designed to bring more efficiency and precision to biomass measurement and distributions of a range of fish species, the camera uses machine learning and artificial intelligence (AI) for real-time millimetre accuracy, which Ace aquatec says could ultimately transform the way fish farmers monitor and grade their fish stock.

Weighing 8.5kg, the fully automated camera is smaller and easier to deploy than many on the market, with clients in Scotland, New Zealand and the United States said to have praised its easy deployment and high degree of accuracy.

“Our A-Biomass cameras are helping farmers optimise feed and growth rates and transform the way they monitor their salmon stock,” said McGregor-Woodhams.

“Over the course of our visit to Japan we hope to not only nurture our connections in this crucial region but also introduce the A-Biomass device to a new market, in line with our ambitions of bringing Scottish technology to the aquaculture industry on a global scale.”